Friday, May 11, 2012

You Are Mom Enough

Most of you probably read about the Time magazine cover with the woman on the cover breastfeeding her almost 4 year old son on the cover.  I saw the interview with the mother on the Today show this morning.  Honestly, it's all a bunch of hype for Time magazine to get publicity.  That is my opinion of course.  But one this that disturbed me a little was the title of the article "Are You Mom Enough?"  As if we need even more of a reason as mother's to feel bad about our parenting methods or have pressure put on us through society.  

Let me tell all the mother's out there on this Mother's day weekend something.  Maybe you don't nurse your baby, toddler or kindergartner for that matter, attachment parent, co-sleep, sling your baby on you or buy only organic.  Maybe you do.  Maybe you work or maybe you stay home.  Maybe you are the mom of 1 child...maybe you have 6...maybe you have 19.  No matter what you do or don't do, have or don't have, if you are loving, kind, God-fearing, patient (most of the time), spend time with your children instead of money, laugh with your kids instead of yell, ask them how there day was, make them eat their vegetables but sneak them an occasional Oreo, listen to them when they are scared about something, believe in them when they don't think they can do something, teach them to love God, encourage them to stand up for what is right, punish them when they need to learn a lesson and hug them afterwards, tell them you forgive them, kiss them before they leave in the morning, pray with them, tell them you love them every chance you get ...if you believe that Mothering your brood is a gift and beautiful...



  1. I am so irritated by the TIME thing because it only fuels the fire. If a mom breastfeeds her 3 year old, good for her. If a mom formula feeds her newborn, then good for her too. As long as the child is fed and loved.

    Happy mommy's day to you!!!!

  2. Amen Allie! we are like separated at birth ;)
